About Sex Trafficking
Who's at Risk?
While every young person is at risk for trafficking, this is a highly gendered crime. 97% of reported victims are women and girls. 75% of these are under the age of 25. Additionally, 92% of victims knew the person who trafficked them either as a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, or family member. (www.statscan.gc.ca).
Vulnerability to trafficking can include youth of any race or gender. However, Indigenous, Black, racialized, LGBTQ+ and youth with histories of abuse, poverty, or neglect are at greater risk.
Signs of Trafficking
Victims of trafficking may exhibit some or all of these signs. However, someone can be a victim and not exhibit any of these signs.
New & expensive gifts ​
​Poor school attendance
Change in behaviour
Evidence of being controlled
Dressed inappropriately for the weather
​Branding tattoos
Signs of self-harm
Unexplained bruises, injuries, or burns
Hostile or Angry
​Anxious & Nervous
Shy or submissive
Confused about whereabouts
Speaks openly about sex
​John, trick, “the life or game”
Boyfriend “daddy” or “My man”
Not allowed to speak for themselves